The World's Best Spice

The world of the rich and famous is fascinating for many of us.
They lead the life many of us want and they do what we only dream of us.
Being a food fanatic, this time we’ll have a look at the most expensive foods in the world,
most expensive drinks, deserts or spices.

Saffron, a spice grown worldwide, is derived from the saffron crocus flower. A pound of dry saffron (0.45 kg) requires 50,000 to 75,000 flowers to make, meaning an entire football field of these flowers. Requiring so much resources and labor, prices for the spice go around US$500/pound to US$5,000/pound (US$1100 to US$11,000 per kilogram).

 Saffron originated in Arabia, but the plant was brought to Spain in the eight century. Today, Spain in the major exporter of the spice. saffron is well worth the price, it has been contributed with promoting lower rates of heart disease. It is used to alleviate fatigue and exhaustion, because it works to strengthen the heart and nervous system
Saffron can be made into milk, which offers preventive care for people with slight cardiac problems.Saffron is also used to improve the mood and clear the brain, where you can think well.When buying saffron chose strands over powder, the strands contain a better flavor. When storing saffron keep in airtight container in a cool dry place.

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