denver's cocktail foods 2011

This is my first experience to have a buffet of cocktail foods, an opportunity where i could enhance my interest in doing this challenges in life, an interest that inline with my profession.. I had a great time doing this stuff to understand on what to do, be pressured on how was the result after, expecting that everything will be ok after the event.
 This is my buffet of cocktail foods: nachos, five different dips like tuna,tomato salsa,olive green and black, strawberry marmalade, cold cuts, cheese board,fruits,.. 
 This is my cheese board i put blue veined cheese,cream cheese topped with chopped fresh celery and chili flakes to have a great spice after taste, i also include the milk cheese.. lemon, orange,green, and red grapes. as to compliment with this beautiful array of cheese and cocktail foods...
I really enjoyed alot after this experience..... I know there is gonna be more after this..Im planing to have this arrangement in my new years eve that my family and friends could enjoy taking its last pick...Thank you...

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joanlibres said...

Congratulation my dear friend DEnver!

U made a super eye catcher varieties of foods.. i do like it much..

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