The Knife Skills "Basic Cuts and Shapes"

This is the first activity of my HRM-12 Culinary Arts and Sciences 1 and 2. The Basic Cuts and Shapes,it's a 6 hours of laboratory from 3:00pm to 9:00pm, this activity is able to help students in identifying different cuts and shapes in some ingredients like vegetables and spices. Allowing the students to understand the basic knife skills and following the correct handling of knife, and the correct measurements of the standard sizes..
This is their finish products with hardship and patience in measuring different number of pieces required, they have the specific number of pieces to comply from that 10 different cuts and shapes using their vegetables...

Large Dice(2cm x 2cm x 2cm )
Medium Dice( 12mm x 12mm x 12mm )
Small Dice( 6mm x 6mm x 6mm )
Brunoise( 3mm x 3mm x 3mm )
Small Brunoise (1.5mm x 1.5mm x 1.5mm )
Rondelle( round bias cut no specific size )
Paysanne (12mm x 12mm x 3mm )
Batonnet ( 6mm x 6mm x 6 cm )
Julienne ( 3mm x 3mm x 5-6 cm ) 
Fine Julienne( 1.5mm x 1.5 mm x 5-6 cm )

 Students together with their instructor during the presentation of their cuts, 6 hours of activity no way out and no sitting down, but they're still showing their best smile for this activity...
 Above and below are pictures during their hands-on activity, trying to measure the vegetables with their 12 inches transparent ruler as their guide for the specific and correct measurements,sizes and shapes.
 one of my student trying to peel all vegetables before they'll start to measure...
They have a great time doing all the measurements, its one way for them to bring and share their knowledge and information to every home, encouraging each students to be more patience in finding their skill specially in culinary i.e cooking..., the feeling fulfillment and excitement inside the kitchen, loving or putting their heart in their passion to have a great result of what they wanted to achieve in life.. There are many activity to be posted next in this blog just check it out soon...Thank you...

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