This happened in many many summers ago...
There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad looking.... It was growing by itself...enjoying everyday... and saying to the sun " When shall i grown up"? and the sun would say " Be patient"---Each time I touch you, you grow a little".. and she was so pleased. Because each would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand...And this is all she wanted to do ...bring a little bit of beauty to this world...
One day the hunter came by---and stepped on her.--She was going to die---and she felt so sad.. Not because she was dying--but because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.
The great spirit saw her, and was listening.--Indeed, he said...she should be living... And he reached down and touched her---and gave her life. And she grew up to be a bneautiful flower...and this corner of the desert became so beautiful beacuse of her.
sir denz:-]
People succeed in life becausethey are convinced they can. They believe in themselvesn in their abilities and potentials and at the same time they honestly recognize their weaknesses or limitations As the saying goes:
" What we think, we feel, what we feel, we act"
Self -image - is powerful force that influences people's minds, feelings and behavior,,inclined to vibrate negative emotions and unpleasant behavior, affecting others in detremental ways, making him vulnerable to failure in his personal life or career.
Self-esteem - is the opinion you have or yourself and value as a person,,and self confidence is also a factor..
Self-confidence - relates to self assuredeness in one's personality, judegement, ability and powers.
The Indicators of Positive self-image:
1. realistic view of one self
2. being true to oneself and accepting oneself in temrs of a wholeness self-esteem.
3. positive affirmation
4. warm and happy countenance
5. being at peace with oneself
6. belief in oneself
7. will and determination to get what one wants
The Indicators or Negative self-image:
Physical signs
tense and anxious
gloomy and unhappy countenance
hesitance to give an eye contact
keeping physical distance
weak and wilted handshake
sloppy and shabby appearance
weak, too soft and uncertain voice.
Psychological signs
psychosomatic tendencies
timidity and shyness
tendency to withdraw or isolate himself
always seeking attention
being too pleasingin an attemp to gain acceptance
monopolizing a conversation,being compulsive tlker
compulsive smoking or drinking,resorting to scapegoat
impatience and irritability
tendency to be judgemental or insulting
indulgence in gossip or hearsays
always complaining
refusal to admit mistakes
all knowing attitude, pretending to know alot of things
tendency to inhibit or dominate others
jealousy and envy
suspiciousness or paranoid behavior
remorse or guilt, feeling ashamed
tendency to compare oneself with others
idol worship-idolizing msports heroes,movie star, etc.
dislike to oneself
resorting to various forms of defense mechanism like ratinalization etc.
The develpment of self image is influence by the impressions that a person gets from his significant others- meaning the persons significant to him like his parents, peers, teachers, friends, etc according to james cooler calls this the " looking glass self " The impact of significant others is very strong during the formative years (1-6 years old). Thsts why according to the father of psychology Sigmund Freud contended that the foundation of the self and the ego is the first 6 years of life.
The 3 Interaction Forces
The 5 A's for Healthy Development
Acceptance-the experience of being unconditionally loved, being accepted for what you are, without conditions, being athome with others
Appreciation- the experience of being valued, givenm importance of having someone delight in oneself.
Approval- being recognize and acknowledge for one's success or achivements.
Affirmation- being valued for one's individuality or uniqueness and giftedness.
Affection- being touched caringly and storked lovingly and embraced tenderly because one is worthy of beingloved and cherished.
Here are the pionters to be included in your midterm exam and please study the following:
Types of Exam:
Matching Type
schedules for the midterm exam
AUGUST 05, 2010
7:30-9:00 AM MTH 8:00-10:00AM HRM-31
AUGUST 06, 2010
9:00- 10:30AM TUF 8:00-10:00 AM HRM-31
AUGUST 09, 2010
9:00 - 10:30 AM MTH 8:00- 10:00AM HRM-31
AUGUST 10, 2010
1:30-3:00 PM TUF 3:00-5:00PM HRM-11
4:30-6:00 PM TUF 5:00-7:00PM HRM-11
Note by: Mr. Denver E. Bandialan
HRM- Instructor
indian cuisine
Brief Introduction to Indian Food
Many people mistakenly tend to associate Indian food with a narrow definition.,For them, Indian cuisine basically boils down to some kind of vegetable stew with an over powering hot curry powder. Indian food definitely uses array of many potent Indian spices and spice mixtures such as garam masala,,, GARAM, means "hot"MASALA, means "spicy" However focus should be the matching of correct spices with the type of the food you are making to enhance the dining experience. Indian food is as diverse collection of cuisines of many ethnic and cultural groups in India. Tradition, ethnicity, geographic location, religion and individual preference define a typical meal in a Thali, which translate into a large plate with a small bowls dishes.
Indian Cooking Techniques and Methods
Indian cooking has its own cooking techniques, methods, and equipments like any other cuisines., often, it is essential to learn and understand the cooking techniques to master recipes as well as customizes it to your own taste.
Dopiaza- is comes from the words do (two) and pyaz ( onion) because onion are added twice while cooking and some are also as a garnish. Dopiaza dish usually contains a meat but can also be prepared with vegetables only.
Dhansak- is popular parsi dish made with meat or dal. Often chana dal is used because it gives a thick gravy sauce.
Jalfrezi- is believed to be derived from Bengali word jhal( spicy food) and Urdu word parhezi, suitable for a diet or English word fried with urdun word "zee" meaning emphasis.
Kahari- is an indian sub-continental cooking method for meat and sometimes vegetables cooked with dry spice rubs.
Vindaloo- is popular in Goan cuisine found throughout Indian Restaurants in the west but less popular in India itself. I derives from Portuguese word vihno( wine) and alhos ( garlic). Vindaloo evolved from Portuguese dish " carne de vinha d'alhos" (meat wine and garlic), which has brought to Goa by them.
CHAT MASALA- is a spice blend which is called "masala" used in Indan Snack called chat derived from the word " tasting" and usually consist of crispy snacks.
BASMATI RICE- derived from the word "fragrance" an Indian cultivae of long grain rice popular name in India is (BASMATI CHAVAL)
GAMARM MASALA- this means hot ( garam ) and spice (masala)
Here are some list of ingredients that are normally found in an Indian Pantry from Hindi to English word to let students understand each terms most indian used:
banana kay-la
blackpepper miri
cardimom elaichi
carrots gajar
chicken murgi
chili mirch
coriander dhanija
cucumber khera
egg baida
fish machli
flour atta
food khana
garlic leh-sum
ginger adrak
peas matar
potato aloo
rice chaval
salt namak
sugar shakkar
tomato tomatar
turmeric haldi
water pami
watermelon tarhuz
saffron kesar
cumin jeera
clarified butter ghee
mustard oil sarson ka tel
eggplant baigan
cottage cheese paneer
General Criteria
This is an Activity for Group 2 and 4
This is an Activity for Group 1 and 3
For the Salad:
Asian cuisine styles can be broken down into several regional styles that have roots in the peoples and cultures of those regions. The major types can be roughly defined as East Asian with its origins in Imperial China and now encompassing modern Japan and the Korean peninsula; Southeast Asian which encompasses Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines; South Asian derived the states that once made up British India – Burma, India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan as well as several other countries in this region of the continent; Central Asian and Middle Eastern.
Mongolian cuisine
Mongolian cuisine refers to the local culinary traditions of Mongolia and Mongolian styled dishes. The extreme continental climate has affected the traditional diet, so the Mongolian cuisine primarily consists of dairy products, meat, and animal fats. Use of vegetables and spices is limited. Due to geographic proximity and deep historic ties with China and Russia, Mongolian cuisine is also influenced by Chinese and Russian cuisine.Features
The nomads on the countryside are self-supporting by principle. Travellers will find yurts marked as "guanz" in regular intervals near the roadside, which operate as simple restaurants. In the yurt, which is a portable dwelling structure, Mongolians usually cook in a cast-iron or aluminium pot on a small stove, using wood or dried animal dung (argal) as fuel.
Typical dishes
Milk is boiled to separate the cream (öröm, clotted cream). The remaining skimmed milk is processed into cheese ("byaslag"), dried curds (aaruul), yoghurt, kefir, as well as a light milk liquor ("Shimiin Arkhi"). The most prominent national beverage is airag, fermented mare's milkA popular cereal is barley, which is fried and malted. The resulting flour (arvain guril) is eaten as a porridge in milk fat and sugar or drunk mixed in milk tea. The everyday beverage is salted milk tea ("Süütei Tsai"), which may turn into a robust soup by adding rice, meat, or Bansh. As a consequence of the Russian influence during socialism, vodka also has gained some popularity with a surprising number of local brands (usually grain spirits).
Horse meat is eaten in Mongolia and can be found in grocery stores.
For dessert, Mongolians have boortsog, a type of Mongolian biscuit or cookie.
Indian cuisine
Indian cuisine is characterized by the use of various spices, herbs and other vegetables and sometimes fruits grown in India and also for the widespread practice vegetarianism across many sections of its society. Each family of Indian cuisine is characterized by a wide assortment of dishes and cooking techniques. As a consequence, it varies from region to region, reflecting the varied demographics of the ethnically diverse Indian sub continent.India's religios beliefs and culture have played an influential role in the evolution of its cuisine.However, cuisine across India also evolved due to the subcontinent's large-scale cultural interactions with ancient greece,mongols,persia and west asia making it a unique blend of various cuisines across Asia The spice trade between India and Europe is often cited as the main catalyst for Europe's Age of discovery. The colonial period introduced European cooking styles to India adding to the flexibility and diversity of Indian cuisine. Indian cuisine has had a remarkable influence on cuisines across the world, especially those from Southeast asia.
The staples of Indian cuisine are rice, atta (whole wheat flour), and a variety of pulses, the most important of which are masoor (most often red lentil), channa (bengal gram), toor (pigeon pea or yellow gram), urad (black gram) and mung (green gram). Pulses may be used whole, dehusked, for example dhuli moong or dhuli urad, or split. Pulses are used extensively in the form of dal (split). Some of the pulses like channa and "Mung" are also processed into flour (besan).
Most Indian curries are cooked in vegetable oil. In North and West India, peanut oil has traditionally been most popular for cooking, while in Eastern India,\mustard oil is more commonly used. Coconut oil is used widely along the western coast and South India, Gingelly oil is common in the South as well. In recent decades, sunflower oil and soybean oil have gained popularity all over India. Hydrogenated vegetable oil, known as Vanaspati ghee, is also a popular cooking medium that replaces Desi ghee, clarified butter (the milk solids have been removed).
The most important or frequently used spices in Indian cuisine are chilli pepper, black mustard seed (rai), cumin (jeera), turmeric (haldi, manjal), fenugreek (methi), asafoetida (hing, perungayam), ginger (adrak, inji), coriander (dhania), and garlic (lassan, poondu). Popular spice mixes are garam masala, which is usually a powder of five or more dried spices, commonly including cardamom, cinnamon, and clove. Each region, and sometimes each individual chef, has a distinctive blend of garam masala. Goda masala is a popular sweet spice mix in Maharashtra. Some leaves are commonly used like tejpat, coriander leaf, fenugreek leaf and mint leaf. The common use of curry leaves, curry roots is typical of all South Indian cuisine. In sweet dishes, cardamom, saffron, nutmeg, and rose petal essences are seasoned.
asian cuisine
Tools Used in Asian Cuisine
Chopsticks are an important part of Asian culture. Their popularity and widespread use across Asia have a long and rich history. They come in all shapes and forms, from golden chopsticks engraved with calligraphy to disposable bamboo wari-bashi. Regardless of the form they take, chopsticks have evolved into an important icon of Asian culture and an important part of history.The 'Fusion' of Asian American Cuisine
As different Asian immigrants have come to the U.S. to begin their lives as Americans throughout history, they have brought their cuisine and cooking traditions with them, along with the centuries-old tradition of bringing together the family or a large group of friends and relatives to socialize over a big meal. As restaurants opened to serve the early Chinese and Japanese immigrant communities in various cities in the U.S., westerners got their first taste of traditional Asian cuisine. But inevitably, assimilation and acculturation took place, not just in terms of the individual, but also as applied to Asian food as well.Soon, Asian restaurants that wanted to broaden their appeal and customer base beyond their own ethnic patrons had to modify or invent new 'ethnic' food that would appeal more readily to the western palate. This eventually led to the creation of uniquely 'Americanized' Asian dishes such as chop suey, egg rolls, fortune cookies, and recently, 'Asian-inspired' fast food salads.
These days, traditional Asian cuisine is undergoing another transformation but instead of being combined with western tastes, the result comes from combining elements and styles from different Asian cultures into a new fusion style of pan-Asian dishes. Many of these early fusion dishes were synthesized from Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, and Chinese cuisines (along with a few French influences), although other Asian cultures are slowly being 'mixed' into the trend. Many of these fusion restaurants also tend to be aimed at a slightly more upscale clientele and are concentrated mainly in the major metropolitan areas around the U.S.
Along with being seen as new and trendy, these Asian fusion dishes also appeal to many customers because they tend to be lighter and are perceived to be healthier than other types of "ethnic" cuisine. In fact, many westerners are only now understanding the health benefits of many Asian foods. Many nutritionists point out that America's biggest health problems -- heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and many cancers -- are seen far less often in Asian countries. One reason is, not only is physical activity that blends spirituality with fitness (such as tai chi) more common in Asian societies, but experts are finding that Asian diets also play a key role.
Research shows that the average Chinese adult, for example, eats half as much fat and one-third less protein than the average American. The Chinese rely heavily on grains, fruits, and vegetables. Meat is rarely the main ingredient in a meal; instead, small amounts are offered up in dishes composed mainly of vegetables and rice. The popularity of eating fish in many Asian countries is also linked to lower incidences of many of the chronic health problems that are more common in the U.S., as is the drinking of green tea for its antioxidant benefits. Ethnic grocery stores and frozen Asian dinners have enjoyed explosive growth in recent years, further reflecting the rising popularity of Asian food.
However, a healthy diet that took centuries to achieve may be lost in just decades. Many observers are noting that obesity and heart disease is slowly becoming a problem in many Asian urban areas, as more Chinese, Japanese, etc. are copying the unhealthy eating habits of normally associated with Americans and flocking to fast food restaurants that seem to be growing exponentially across Asia. It seems ironic that the blending of eastern and western cuisines can have such different results for each culture involved.
Lemon and White Chocolate Mousse Parfaits with Strawberries
- 5 large egg yolks
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 4 teaspoons finely grated lemon peel
- Pinch of salt
- 1/4 cup plus 2 2/3 cups chilled heavy whipping cream
- 1 3.5-ounce bar high-quality white chocolate (such as Lindt or Perugina), finely chopped
- 5 cups sliced hulled strawberries (about 2 pounds)
- Whisk egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice, lemon peel, and salt in medium metal bowl to blend.Set bowl over saucepan of simmering water. Whisk until mixture is very thick and thermometer inserted into center registers 160°F to 170°F, about 6 minutes.Remove bowl from over water. Cool lemon mousse base to room temperature.
- Combine 1/4 cup cream and white chocolate in another medium metal bowl.Set bowl over saucepan of barely simmering water. Stir constantly until chocolate is soft and almost melted. Remove bowl from over water and stir until white chocolate is melted and smooth.Cool white chocolate mousse base to room temperature.
- Beat remaining 2 2/3 cups cream in large bowl until firm peaks form.Divide whipped cream between both mousse bases, folding in 1 cup at a time (about 3 cups for each).
- Layer scant 1/4 cup lemon mousse in each of 8 parfait glasses or wineglasses; top with 2 tablespoons strawberries. Layer scant 1/4 cup white chocolate mousse over strawberries.Repeat layering 1 more time.
DO AHEAD Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover with plastic wrap and chill. Cover and chill remaining strawberries. - Spoon strawberries over top of each parfait, if desired, and serve.
Grilled Asian Chicken
- 8 1/3-inch-thick rounds red onion
- 8 large shiitake mushrooms, stemmed
- 8 red radishes, trimmed, halved
- 4 baby bok choy, halved lengthwise
- 1 large orange bell pepper, cut lengthwise into 8 strips
- 1 1/4 cups Mango-Sesame Dressing, divided
- 6 boneless chicken breast halves with skin
- Nonstick vegetable oil spray
- Arrange all vegetables on large rimmed baking sheet. Brush vegetables lightly on both sides with 1/3 cup Mango-Sesame Dressing; sprinkle with salt and pepper.
- Arrange chicken on sheet of foil. Brush both sides of chicken with 1/3 cup dressing, then sprinkle with salt and pepper.DO AHEAD Vegetables and chicken can be prepared 2 hours ahead. Let stand at room temperature.
- Coat grill rack generously with nonstick spray and prepare barbecue (medium-high heat). Grill vegetables until just tender, turning occasionally, about 8 minutes for onion rounds and 4 minutes for mushrooms, radishes, bok choy, and pepper strips. Return all vegetables to same baking sheet.
- Grill chicken until cooked through, 5 to 6 minutes per side. Transfer chicken to cutting board. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes. Cool 2 chicken breasts; wrap and chill for Asian Chicken-Noodle Salad.
- Arrange remaining 4 chicken breasts and vegetables on platter.
Serve with remaining dressing.
Tear Free Onions
The World's Best Spice
The world of the rich and famous is fascinating for many of us.
They lead the life many of us want and they do what we only dream of us.
Being a food fanatic, this time we’ll have a look at the most expensive foods in the world,
most expensive drinks, deserts or spices.
Saffron, a spice grown worldwide, is derived from the saffron crocus flower. A pound of dry saffron (0.45 kg) requires 50,000 to 75,000 flowers to make, meaning an entire football field of these flowers. Requiring so much resources and labor, prices for the spice go around US$500/pound to US$5,000/pound (US$1100 to US$11,000 per kilogram).
Saffron originated in Arabia, but the plant was brought to Spain in the eight century. Today, Spain in the major exporter of the spice. saffron is well worth the price, it has been contributed with promoting lower rates of heart disease. It is used to alleviate fatigue and exhaustion, because it works to strengthen the heart and nervous system
Saffron can be made into milk, which offers preventive care for people with slight cardiac problems.Saffron is also used to improve the mood and clear the brain, where you can think well.When buying saffron chose strands over powder, the strands contain a better flavor. When storing saffron keep in airtight container in a cool dry place.
Top 10 Picks of Best Inti'es Cuisine

10. Lebanese Cuisine
The Lebanese cuisine is the place where you can taste all the goodness the Middle East has to offer. Foods are generally Mediterranean, high on vegetables, little meat and full of flavors. Perhaps the most famous dish worldwide is the appetizer mezze – a selection of dips, pickles, salads and nibbles with Arabic bread. It also includes an abundance of fruit, fresh fish and seafood and little animal fat. The country is also famous for the Arabic sweets, Tripoli being referred to as the “Sweet Capital” of Lebanon.

With a significant influence from the Turkish and Italian cuisine, the Greek cuisine is a focused around olive oil, vegetables and herbs specific to the Mediterranean region. Eating in Greece is a different experience from Greek restaurants in other countries – gyros for example is considered by Greeks junk food. Restaurants now offer an authentic eating experience, being up to date with the latest culinary trends and stocked up with regional specialties. The Taverna and Estiatorio are widespread, being the places where you can find affordable authentic cuisine.

8. Spanish Cuisine
For a lighter approach on food, we turn to the Spanish cuisine, containing a variety of meat and fish, as well as vegetables. It is also influenced by the seafood available from the surrounding waters. Spanish cuisine uses the most oil among all Western and Central European cuisines. One of the most popular drinks in Spain that goes perfectly with its national dishes is sangria, a drink made of wine and fruits.
7. Japanese Cuisine
Known for its seasonality of food, aspect and quality of ingredients, the Japanese cuisine is rapidly becoming a trend worldwide. White rice and soybeans are the ingredients you should expect to find in almost any dish. According to Michelin Guide that ranks cities worldwide for their restaurants, Tokyo is the most delicious city, with 150 top-ranked restaurants, as opposed to Paris and London that have 148. Apart from its capital, it is fascinating to uncover the local cuisine throughout Japan.

6. Mexican Cuisine
Known for its varied flavors and spices, Mexican Cuisine is a result of the Spanish conquistadores’ interaction with the Aztec culture. Most of the Mexican food we eat today is a delicious combination of ancient traditions, Aztec, Mayan and Spanish. The French also had their part in the story, adding baked goods such as sweet breads and the bolillo. You can easily choose the restaurant you are going to eat in by popularity: restaurants with good food usually attract all the customers. There are also exotic options for your menu, such as iguana, insects, rattlesnake, deer and even spider monkey.
5. Thai Cuisine
Many people say Thai food alone, with its balanced mix of hot, sour, bitter and sweet, is a good enough reason to visit the country. The foods are characterized by the use of fresh herbs and flavors, such as lime juice, lemon grass and fresh coriander. Similar to many Asian cuisines, rice is the main component in Thai foods as well. You will often come across nam pla, a strong fish sauce, shrimp paste and noodles. If you’re looking to get a kick of out your lunch, you should try the raw beef, fermented fish paste or deep fried insect larvae mostly present in the Northeast, where eating insects in fairly common.

3. Chinese Cuisine
Originated in various parts of China and now spread throughout the world, Chinese cuisine is now eaten by a third of the world’s population every day. The cuisine is easy to create, economical and tasty. Most of the food is prepared in bite-sized pieces because the Chinese culture regards knives and forks as weapons. Usually, every person at the table is given a bowl of rice while the other dishes are shared by everyone at the table. Some dishes are cooked from endangered species, such as facai moss while others from meat you would want to avoid such as dog.

Perhaps one of the oldest in the world, the Italian cuisine can be traced back to the 4th century BC. It became what is today along with the discovery of the New World, that brought potatoes, tomatoes pepper or maize on the list of ingredients. An Italian meal is structured into several sections: antipasto (the appetizer), primo (pasta or rice dish), secondo (meat course), dolce (dessert). Italy is also famous for over 400 kinds of cheese, including the famous Parmigianino Reggiano, and 300 types of sausages.

1. French Cuisine
Starting with the Middle Ages that brought rich banquets to the French Revolution, where refined techniques were used, French Cuisine can be called in the 21st century “haute cuisine”. It is as popular as the poetry or French arts, a meal at a restaurant comparing to “a sort of theatre you can eat”. Pastries are a large part of French cooking. Cheese and wine are also a major part of the cuisine, being perhaps the most famous of all. The modern restaurant has its roots in French culture so restaurants are bountiful, but as for recommendation before deciding on one. In Paris alone, there are over 5,000 places to eat, with prices and menus to suit anyone’s taste.